President Alvi approves remission for prisoners on Eidul Fitr

ISLAMABAD, Apr 21 : President Dr Arif Alvi on Friday announced a 90-day reduction in the sentences of prisoners on the occasion of Eid ul Fitr, following which 129 prisoners were released from jails in Punjab.

A total of 2,610 prisoners benefited from the president’s special amnesty. 39 prisoners were released from the Adiala Central Jail in Rawalpindi while 415 had their sentences reduced.

According to a statement from the President’s House, Alvi approved the reduction on basis of Article 45 of the Constitution, which mandates that the president holds the “power to grant pardon, reprieve and respite, and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence passed by any court, tribunal or other authority”.

The reduction in the sentences of prisoners would not apply to prisoners convicted of serious crimes including adultery, murder, espionage, anti-state activities and terrorism. The relief was also not applicable to criminals who committed financial crimes and damaged the national exchequer.

The announcement detailed that the reprieve would be applicable to male prisoners above 65 years of age and female prisoners above 60 years of age, who have served one-third of their sentence.

Similarly, the reduction will be applied to individuals under 18 years of age who have served one-third of their sentence as well.

Several district and session judges of Rawalpindi and Islamabad courts along with civil judges visited the Adiala Central Jail and released at least 75 inmates involved in petty crimes on personal surety bonds.

According to sources, the judges inspected the barracks, kitchens, and other facilities available for the prisoners and heard their grievances.

Sources said all the released prisoners involved in minor crimes would celebrate Eid ul Fitr with their families.

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