Courageous Journalist Asim Riaz Receives Life Threats

By Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi…

RAWALPINDI: A brave journalist from K2 TV, Asim Riaz, recently received a life threat from a man identifying himself as Waseem, claiming to be calling from Adyala Jail in Rawalpindi. The call came from 03045760831. This threat comes as a result of a recent report that Asim Riaz published on corruption in Adyala Jail administration.

Mr. Asim Riaz is known for his brave reporting on sensitive topics such as cases of corruption, criminal activities, human rights violations and corruption in the region, bringing light to injustices that would otherwise remain hidden. He report on these issues despite the risks involved.

His work has earned him respect from many who admire his courage and commitment to journalistic integrity.

This life threat serves as a warning to other journalists who are willing to speak out against injustice and wrongdoing. It is not only an attack against one journalist but an attack against free press and freedom of speech more generally.

The police have been notified of the threats, and an investigation is underway to identify the caller, whose number was 03045760831. Asim and his colleagues have expressed their concern about the potential danger caused by such calls, noting that this is not an isolated incident but part of a larger pattern of threats received by journalists in Pakistan.

CPO Rawalpindi Affirms Commitment to Protect Journalists.

Leading the police force of Rawalpindi,  (CPO) Syed Sehzad Nadeem Bukhari has declared a zero-tolerance policy against criminals and a commitment to protect journalists.  (CPO) Syed Sehzad Nadeem Bukhari expressed his appreciation for the role played by journalists in fighting crime and protecting citizens, stressing that their safety is of utmost importance.

The CPO noted that journalists put themselves at risk as they uncover stories that often involve powerful figures or dangerous organizations. He emphasized that police forces should prioritize the safety of these brave individuals as they help keep society safe with their reporting. CPO Bukhari also stated that police should take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of those who are seeking justice for victims or exposing corruption.

“Journalists are our eyes and ears,” said CPO Syed Shehzad Nadeem in his statement.

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