Islamabad Capital Police continues its large-scale crackdown against criminal elements

ISLAMABAD, April 08:The Islamabad Capital Police has launched a major crackdown against criminal elements in the city. As part of this operation, police teams from Ramna police station have arrested suspects who are believed to be involved in murder and alcohol sales. During the arrests, the police seized a cache of weapons, ammunition, and alcohol that was being used for illegal purposes.

In addition to the operation at Ramna police station, a separate police team from Khanna police station also carried out an operation against a cattle thief gang. During the operation, one of the gang members was arrested and a significant amount of stolen cattle and a vehicle used for transportation were recovered. The stolen cattle were reportedly worth several lakhs of rupees.

It is not uncommon for law enforcement agencies to conduct large-scale crackdowns against criminal elements to maintain law and order and ensure public safety. Such operations help to apprehend individuals who may be engaging in illegal activities and recover illegal items such as weapons, ammunition, and stolen goods. It is important to note that law enforcement agencies must always follow due process and respect the rights of individuals during these operations.

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