SHO Ibtisam Gujjar: An Exemplary Pillar of Pir Mehel’s Policing


PIR MEHEL – The residents of Pir Mehel have a lot to be thankful for, and one name that constantly surfaces in conversations about improved law and order in the region is that of SHO Ibtisam Gujjar.

Since assuming his role as the SHO of the Pir Mehel Police Station, Gujjar has been at the forefront of numerous initiatives to make the town safer and more secure for its residents. Under his leadership, the police station has been hailed as one of the most proactive and responsive in the district.

Local business owner, Mr. Shahzad, said, “Earlier, we were hesitant to keep our shops open after dark due to the fear of robberies. But with Ibtisam Gujjar taking charge, the crime rate has significantly dropped, allowing us to conduct our business without constant worry.”

In addition to his efforts to curb street crimes, Gujjar has also been instrumental in launching community outreach programs to bridge the gap between the police and the community. One such initiative was the monthly community meetings, where residents could voice their concerns directly to the police, fostering a sense of trust and cooperation.

Moreover, Gujjar’s emphasis on technology and modern policing methods has made the Pir Mehel Police Station a model for others in the region. With the digitized complaints system and round-the-clock surveillance, the citizens feel more secure than ever.

His dedication doesn’t stop at his professional life. Gujjar is also known to personally fund and support educational and sports activities in the community, believing in holistic development for the youth.

“It’s not just about catching criminals,” said SHO Gujjar, “It’s about creating an environment where crime doesn’t thrive in the first place. And that can only happen when the community and police work hand in hand.”

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