TeK honours UK-based Kashmiri journalists with awards

The Kashmir Media Award ceremony, hosted by Tehreek-e-Kashmir TeK United Kingdom (UK), took place in Birmingham, celebrating the exceptional contributions of journalists covering the Kashmir region.

While the chief guest and editor-in-chief of Daily Kashmir Post, Altaf Ahmad Bhat, was unable to attend the event due to illness, the ceremony remained a significant gathering of media professionals.

In the absence of the chief guest, President of TeK UK, Fahim Kayani, took the stage and presented awards to distinguished UK-based journalists who have been instrumental in reporting on Kashmir-related issues.

The honourees included Nasar Raja from Samaa News, Muhammad Asif Baratlavi from AMB News, Abid Kazami from 92 News, Irfan Tahir from World News TV, Zahid Khattak from Dunya News, Adil Azam from Ary News, Ibrar Mughal from Geo News, and Basharat Chaudhry from JK News.



President Kayani also recognised the remarkable contributions of two prominent journalists from Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Tariq Naqash and Sajjad Jarral, who are not only revered members of the media community but have also served as former presidents of the Central Press Club in Muzaffarabad and the Press Club in Mirpur, respectively.

During the event, President TeK UK Fahim Kayani underscored the crucial role that media plays in shaping public opinion and presenting factual information to the masses. He expressed his admiration for Kashmiri journalists working in the UK, particularly for Pakistani TV channels and newspapers, acknowledging them as ambassadors of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir in the UK.

Kayani emphasised the collective pride in the awarded journalists for their significant contributions to journalism in the UK.

Tariq Naqash, former President of the Central Press Club in Muzaffarabad, expressed his gratitude to TeK for honouring him with the award, emphasising that the recognition not only serves as an appreciation of their work but also highlights the importance of their journalistic endeavors. He conveyed his deep indebtedness to TeK UK for the recognition.

Sajjad Jarral, former President of the Mirpur Press Club, praised TeK for acknowledging the work of AJK journalists in Birmingham. He viewed the ceremony as an encouraging sign that motivates journalists to continue their excellent work and receive recognition from the broader public.

Jarral extended his gratitude and appealed to other organisations to follow the example set by TeK in appreciating the commendable efforts of journalists.

Inam Masoodi, a social media activist, also expressed his appreciation for being recognised with an award, emphasising the significance of such acknowledgment for individuals who believe in professionalism and dedicated work.

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