The photo taken by the Saudi photographer in Masjid al-Haram won millions of hearts

Saudi Arabia, April 18: The picture of the prostration scene of Umrah pilgrims dressed in Ihram near the Holy Kaaba in Masjid al-Haram in Makkah in Saudi Arabia has gone viral on social media.

Saudi photographer Abdul Rahman Al-Shli has shared the photos on social media. The Saudi photographer says that he took a picture of pilgrims performing the Asr prayer, in which the worshipers look like a leaden wall.

All Umrah pilgrims are in prostration and Ihram. Users expressed their liking for this charming scene and said that ‘Umrah pilgrims look like ‘scattered white pearls’ during Sajdah.

Some of the users said that seeing the pictures gives satisfaction, peace and spirituality.

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