The positive Pakistan TKR Sahakarparian The restaurant par excellence

Islamabad (Javaid Iqbal) 14 June 2024

Annual Rainfall 141mm Temperature Summer Maximum 40C minimum 24C Winter Maximum 16C minimum 3C
Highest peak 1600 metres above sea level.

Sources, visitors, diners, tourists and guests from the diaspora of Islamabad revealed that the restaurant is one the best hospitality facilities in the federal capital.

Food and services provided at the hospitality are unique in nature and cater to the taste buds of all sections and ethnic communities of Pakistan.


International and continental foods of international standards are also served and international community have highly appreciated the food and services at the restaurant.

Rates of the restaurant are competitive and lowest than all other restaurants in the hills and and the city and and quality of the food is better than all other restaurants of the same standard.

Cheffs, cooks, waiters, tablemen, managers, supervisors, cleaners, guides, food processors, security guards and security officers have been imparted training as per international standards by internationally recognized trainers and training organisations

The restaurant is spread over hundreds of acres of green hilly area and all the treee, big and small, have been fully preserved by the restaurant management and not a single leaf of the tree has been damaged.

Billions of new and fresh multicolored beauty and fruit plants have been planted by the management to enhance the natural beauty and green character of the picturesque area.

Rates of the restaurant were investigatived professionally and found reasonable and below the rates of Monal, Monal Downtown, Dragon, 1969, Serena, Zamana, Marriott, Kehkeshan, Islamabad Hotel, Nadia, Tandoori, Blue Lagoon, Pearl continental and others.

Quality of food was far superior than the competitors.

Lease payments to the DMA were up-to-date TKR is contributing greatly to the CDA and national exchequer.

Proper parking facility has been constructed without cutting a single tree or plant.

Good grade inputs are being used for cooking foods and prohibited salts and materials are not allowed at all.

Regular Islamabad food authority checks are invited to ensure best quality food in the town.

Environment wing CDA officers and officials regularly check the physical boundaries of the restaurant and have declared that officially allowed boundaries have not been violated.

Wildlife around the restaurant in the woods is provided animal food and protection under the corporate social responsibility CSR of the restaurant.

Islamabad wildlife management board has expressed satisfaction over the performance of the restaurant.

Environment protection agency EPA officers and officials regularly checked the facility and expressed satisfaction.

A proper tuck shop facing south of TKR is showing peak performance to cater to the needs of visiting families.

Kitchen and restaurant waste is being properly exported from the area and the area is completely free from stench and foul smell.

Proper sanitation, sewerage and sewage lines have been installed in the serenic hilly area and washroom facilities of internationally recognized standards are provided to the millions of customers coming here daily.

Formal regular water supply lines have been installed by CDA to provide uninterrupted supply to the facility.

Water charges, conservancy charges, environment conservancy charges, sanitation charges, sewage charges, sewerage charges and beautician charges are being paid regularly.

Millions of visitors interviewed said that such an international facility at extremely reasonable rates was a blessing for the residents of Islamabad, visitors and tourists.

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