CDA moves to evict denotified PTI lawmakers from Parliament Lodges

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) launched an operation on Friday to vacate the suites in Parliament Lodges from former members of the National Assembly belonging to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

The development came after Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervaiz Ashraf accepted resignations of 123 PTI lawmakers in phases after they stepped down in April last year in protest against the ouster of Imran Khan as the prime minister through a vote of confidence.

CDA officials accompanied by police personnel broke the locks and forcefully vacated the suites on Friday in the presence of Assistant Commissioner City Rana Musa and the magistrate, Daily Information Times eported

The former lawmakers whose lodges have been vacated so far include Shabbir Haider Qureshi, Shahid Khattak, Farrukh Habib, Zahoor Ahmad Qureshi, Shabbir Haider Qureshi and Shahid Khattak.


PTI leader Shandana Gulzar sought time to vacate the room while more than eight members left their rooms voluntarily.

The administration did not face any resistance during the operation.

The CDA director had also written a letter to the CDA magistrate seeking assistance in the eviction operation to deal with any untoward situation. In the letter, the CDA had said that PTI’s denotified lawmakers were also served notices on January 24 to vacate the suites.

Officials said that several PTI leaders including former NA speaker Asad Qaiser, Aftab Jahangir, and others have not vacated their rooms in the Parliament Lodges yet.

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