Imran urges military, judiciary to play role to avert ‘economic collapse’

Former prime minister and PTI Chairman Imran Khan has urged the country’s national security institutions including military and judiciary to wake up to the fact that the country’s economy is “sinking” and reiterated that the only solution to the crisis is early elections.

Addressing his supporters via video link on Monday, the PTI chief said he held meeting with his economic team to discuss the prevailing economic crisis. “We discussed ways as to how we can lift the country of this quagmire if we come into power again.”

Raising the alarm over depleting foreign exchange reserves, Imran said all security institutions particularly military should think about the country “as everyone will suffer if the country defaulted”.

“Soviet Union had the strongest army but it could not save the country from economic collapse,” he added.

“Our judiciary should also play its role in this situation as all institutions would be held responsible if things go south.”

He also lamented that news channels were not highlighting the “dangerous economic situation the country was facing”.

“I am surprised today that why business community is not raising its voice on the economic condition,” he added.

“If you don’t raise your voice for elections today then you are unconsciously pushing the country towards economic collapse and everyone would be held responsible for it.”

The former premier said only early elections are the solution to this crisis. “All those who are seeing this know that polls are the only solution… political instability affects the economy.”

In the same warning a day earlier, the PTI chairman claimed that the country was heading towards a default with each passing day under the “imported government”.

“The PTI’s demand for snap polls is not to give favour to me or my party but to avert the default by bringing political stability to the country,” Imran maintained while addressing a news conference.

He added that early or late elections would make no difference in their results as the PTI would sweep them whenever they were held.

“The PTI is the only federal party that can contest against the smaller political parties limited to their respective provinces,” Imran maintained.

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