Islamabad IGP booked in FIR on ‘corruption charges’

IG Islamabad Akbar Nasit Khan and an Image of FIR against him

Police chief shall also taste the fake FIR.

This is a rare occurrence, as normally it is the police officers who file fake cases against civilians.

LAHORE: The Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) Punjab has registered a case against Inspector General (IG) Islamabad police Akbar Nasir Khan

According to ACE spokesperson, the IG Islamabad police Akbar Nasir Khan was facing corruption allegations. The spokesperson added that the ACE summoned the Islamabad police chief twice but he did not appear before the investigators.

Nasir Akbar Khan was accused of tampering with documents for awarding a contract, said the spokesperson, adding that the IG Islamabad will be immediately arrested after entering Punjab.

Earlier in the month, the ACE Punjab had issued arrest warrants for the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) leader for allegedly taking bribes against the approval of a housing scheme.


A team of the Punjab Anti-corruption Establishment (ACE) had been tasked to arrest of Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah but it returned empty-handed due to the ‘non-cooperation’ from Islamabad.


Later, the Rawalpindi bench of the Lahore High Court (LHC) had suspended the arrest warrants against Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah.

Content of FIR as under:

Briefly submitted that Akbar Nasir Khan (PSP/BS-20) remained posted as ex-Chief
Operating Officer (PSCA) from 10-08-15 to 15-04-20. During posting, Akbar Nasir Khan
fraudulently misappropriated funds allocated for development work/ construction of
second floor in the existing building of Punjab Safe City Authority Lahore. In the bid, M/S
ANS Associates (SMC-Pvt) and his JV partner M/S Alamgir participated and awarded the
contract amounting to Rs.5,71,20,000/- but ex-Chief Operating Officer (PSCA)
fraudulently enhanced the amount of the contract in connivance with Syed Murad Ali
CPMO & Syed Asad Ali Chief Coordination Officer and issued fraudulently extra funds to
Amir Riaz CEO M/S ANS Associates (Pvt) Ltd. without approval of the competent
authority i.e. MD PSCA. M/S ANS associates is the company which never ever done any
work accept the work of PSCA and the same was also created by Amir Riaz in
connivance with Akbar Nasir Khan to get illegal contracts of work of PSCA. It is also
pertinent to mention here that agreement on behalf of PSCA was fraudulently made anti
dated showing date 25-06-18 by Akbar Nasir Khan with M/S ANS whereas the stamp
paper No.2226 was purchased on 19-10-18. Furthermore, the agreement of joint venture
was signed on 04-05-18 between ANS Associate Pvt. Ltd, through Amir Riaz and M/S
Alamgir Enterprises through Ibrar Alamgir whereas the said stamp paper No.596 was
purchased on 09-05-18 which proves that the fake/ anti dated public documents i.e.
stamp paper was prepared for misappropriation of government funds, hence forgery in
documents of contracts has been committed by the accused persons in connivance with
each other. Akbar Nasir Khan has caused loss to the state exchequer in connivance with
Amir Riaz and Ibrar Alamgir in different heads during his posting (10-08-15 to 15-04-20)
as Chief Operating Officer (PSCA) and made assets beyond known sources, it is
therefore recommended that a preliminary enquiry under Rule 5 of Punjab Anti
Corruption Rules 2014 may be initiated to asses the actual loss caused to the
government exchequer.”

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