SHO Aftab Gondal Praises for Proactive Policing around Sacred Spaces

By Engr. Sajid Warsi.

RAWALPINDI – The Station House Officer (SHO) of the City Police Station Rawalpindi, Aftab Gondal, is being lauded for his proactive approach to policing, particularly in the areas surrounding Masajid and Imambargah.

It has been observed that SHO Gondal’s strategic presence has become a hallmark of his dedication to maintaining peace and ensuring public safety in these critical areas. In an industry often criticized for its reactive rather than proactive approach, SHO Gondal stands as a beacon of vigilance and foresight.


His efforts go beyond traditional measures. Rather than waiting for incidents to occur, his strategy is firmly rooted in preventing potential crimes before they happen. This proactive approach significantly reduces the opportunity for any terrorist or criminal activity in the vicinity of these religious sites.

His effective policing strategies have not gone unnoticed. Local residents have reported feeling safer and more secure, acknowledging that SHO Aftab Gondal’s increased vigilance has led to a noticeable decrease in crime.

“We are grateful for SHO Gondal’s strategic and proactive approach to maintaining security in our area. His presence is reassuring, and we feel confident that our safety is a priority,” said one local resident.

This positive change in law enforcement is a testament to SHO Gondal’s dedication to his duty and his innovative strategies to ensure the safety of the residents of Rawalpindi.

The City Police Station Rawalpindi encourages other officers to follow SHO Gondal’s lead, fostering an environment of proactive vigilance to maintain peace and order in all areas under their purview.

The Daily Information Times hopes to highlight SHO Gondal’s commendable efforts as an example to other law enforcement agencies. It is a testament to the positive impact of proactive policing on the prevention of crime, emphasizing the importance of diligence and strategic foresight in maintaining security.

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