Allegations of Delay Tactics and Bribery Demand by Raza Patwari and ADT Gulab Ali in CDA Land Cases

Islamabad, August 22; In a recent development, serious allegations have surfaced against Raza Patwari and ADT Gulab Ali within the Capital Development Authority (CDA). Accusations of employing delay tactics and soliciting bribes to expedite the processing of genuine files pertaining to CDA land affectees have raised concerns over the integrity of the institution’s operations.

According to sources close to the matter, Raza Patwari and ADT Gulab Ali are purportedly engaging in delay tactics, intentionally slowing down the progress of genuine land files with the ulterior motive of pressuring affected parties to offer bribes for swifter resolution. These allegations have sparked outrage among the community, as they directly challenge the principles of transparency, accountability, and fairness that the CDA is expected to uphold.

Contrastingly, Member Estate Afnan Alam and DC CDA Sardar Asif have been praised for their efficient and compassionate approach towards addressing the concerns of CDA land affectees. Their dedication to managing the challenges faced by the affected parties has earned them a reputation as officials who prioritize the well-being of the community.

One particularly distressing incident has come to light in Moza Bhaika Syedan, where an entire village was reportedly demolished. Despite the gravity of the situation, Raza Patwari’s demand for land visits and witnesses has been met with incredulity by observers. Critics argue that such requests appear to be nothing more than a ploy to downplay the severity of the incident, evoking strong comparisons to a “joke.”

Disturbingly, sources have also indicated that Raza Patwari and ADT Gulab Ali have been allegedly involved in soliciting bribes from land affectees. Initially, these officials are said to have demanded exorbitant sums of up to 20 lakh rupees to expedite the clearance of a single genuine land file. Shockingly, it is reported that the bribe demand has now been lowered to 3 lakh rupees, raising suspicions about the motivations behind these financial negotiations.

As these allegations continue to raise concerns about the ethics and transparency of CDA operations, it is imperative that a thorough investigation is conducted into the conduct of Raza Patwari and ADT Gulab Ali. The CDA must take immediate action to address these allegations, restore public trust, and ensure that the rights and interests of the land affectees are safeguarded.

In a remarkable display of determination and commitment to justice, Member Estate Afnan Alam has emerged as a shining example of leadership within the Capital Development Authority (CDA). After nearly four decades of pending cases and numerous changes in leadership, it was Afnan Alam who exhibited the courage to take decisive action. Through the brave demolition of the old village of Bhaika Syedan, he finally brought long-awaited relief to CDA affectees. His unwavering resolve and willingness to take the forefront have set him apart as a beacon of integrity and accountability, deserving recognition for his exceptional efforts in ensuring the rights of those affected by CDA matters are upheld

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