More Than 90% of Vegetable/Fruit Sellers in Islamabad Selling at Double the Set Rates

ISLAMABAD- A recent investigation has revealed that more than 90% of vegetable/fruit sellers in Islamabad are selling their goods at double or more than the set rates by the authority. These vendors are known to give various excuses to customers who ask for the rate list or demand reasonable rates for their products. It has become a common practice for these vendors to refuse to show the rate list and even start fighting with customers.

This situation is causing great hardship for the common people, as even the middle class cannot afford to purchase their household vegetables and fruits. It is an injustice and is akin to sucking the blood of the common man.

The responsible officials are urged to perform their duties and monitor the matter on a daily basis until this cruelty ends. The common people demand that strict action be taken against those vendors who are violating the set rates and taking advantage of the people.

The common people request that the authorities set up a system to monitor the prices of vegetables and fruits on a regular basis. This system should also ensure that the vendors display the rate list clearly and provide goods at reasonable rates.

The common people of Islamabad urge the authorities to take swift action to address this issue and ensure that the vendors comply with the set rates. They believe that such action will restore justice and fairness to the community.


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