Local Community Demands Action Against Corrupt and Uneducated Police Officer at Trait Police Chowki Murree

Murree, Pakistan – The local community of Murree demands the immediate removal of Inayat, the Incharge of Trait Police Chowki, due to his close relationships with land grabbers and mafia in the area. In addition, Inayat is also uneducated and cannot even read court decisions. His bad behavior has caused much suffering to the complainants, and therefore, the community is urging the authorities to take action against him.

In recent months, there have been numerous complaints from the local community about Inayat’s behavior and his close ties to the land grabbers and mafia. The community feels that his actions have been detrimental to the safety and security of the area, and they fear for their safety.

Furthermore, Inayat’s lack of education and inability to read court decisions has caused serious problems for the complainants. They have reported that he is unable to understand the legal proceedings and often makes incorrect decisions, leading to a lack of justice for the victims.

The community is demanding that the SSP Operations Amir Khan Niazi  and CPO Rawalpindi Syed Khalid Hamdani take immediate action against Inayat and remove him from his position as Incharge of Trait Police Chowki. They are also requesting that an efficient and competent officer be appointed to replace him.

The community hopes that their demands will be heard and that the authorities will take swift action to ensure the safety and security of the area. They believe that the removal of Inayat will be a step towards restoring justice and fairness in the community.

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