Coalition partners brush aside Imran’s ultimatum for snap polls

Ruling alliance says no group will be allowed to forcefully impose a decision upon the nation

ISLAMABAD: The ruling coalition parties including PML-N, PPP, JUI-F and others on Monday brushed aside PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s demand to hold early elections in the country, saying that no group will be allowed to dictate the government.

In a joint statement issued in response to PTI chief’s warning to hold long march if snap polls were not announced, the ruling alliance said no group will be allowed to forcefully impose a decision and those trying to take the law into their hands will be dealt with as per the law and the Constitution.

Earlier today, former PM Imran addressed a presser in which he reiterated his call for early elections after his party’s thumping victory in Sunday’s by-polls.

Imran said the coalition government is being given ‘some more time’ before he gives the final date for the party’s long march to Islamabad.

The ruling parties also strongly condemned allegations levelled by Imran against former president Asif Ali Zardari and former premier Nawaz Sharif. The PTI chairman has repeatedly been calling the former president and premier “thieves” and “corrupt” among other things.

The statement added that the prime minister will decide about the appointment of the army chief as per the law, and that the decision will not be taken on intimidation, threats or dictation of a “foreign-funded fitna”.

Imran has repeatedly objected that the incumbent government as well as Nawaz and Zardari shouldn’t be allowed to appoint the military chief.


The PML-N-led coalition government said that the aim of targeting the army chief, leadership of the sensitive institutions, officers, chief election commissioner and others is “blackmailing”, which is definitely not a political act but a part of a conspiracy and it would not be allowed to succeed.

“It is clear in the Constitution and law that appointment of the army chief and other position is the constitutional authority of the prime minister,” the ruling coalition reiterated its stance in the statement.

Lashing out at Imran, the PML-N and its allies said that a person deprived of power was targeting national institutions under a deliberate agenda. The incumbent rulers added that running a smear campaign against the martyrs of Pakistan Army and the statements and “encouragement of rebellion” in the army was tantamount to anti-state activities and they would be dealt with in accordance with the law and the Constitution.

The statement added that the Constitution, democracy and system will not be allowed to be enslaved on the basis of bullying and intimidation. The statement also clarified that the economy of the country and the rehabilitation of the flood victims was the first national priority at the moment time, on which no compromise will be made.

“The government, institutions and people have a consensus that political instability will not be allowed,” the communiqué said, adding that attempts to derail economy would be countered and it would be ensured that the resources for the flood victims are not affected in any way.

After the by-elections held on October 16, the statement concluded, the number of seats in the National Assembly of the coalition government has increased from 174 to 176, while the PTI has lost two seats in the assembly due to the arrogance of its chief.

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