Leader of Muslim League N Wah Cantt Syed Amjad Shah Leads Massive Rally to Protest Against Conduct of Superior Judiciary

WAH CANTT , Pakistan – [05-15-2023] – Syed Amjad Shah, the prominent leader of Muslim League N Wah Cantt, spearheaded a significant rally today to voice strong dissent against the conduct of judges within the superior judiciary, with a particular emphasis on Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Umra Ata Bandial. The protest, organized by the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) coalition, drew an immense crowd, reflecting the public’s concerns and dissatisfaction with the actions of the ruling coalition and a section of the superior judiciary.

Since February of this year, tensions have escalated between the ruling coalition and Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial, following the initiation of suo motu proceedings by the apex court concerning the delay in the announcement of election dates in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) provinces. This decision sparked a series of debates and disagreements that have persistently strained the relationship between the two entities.

Syed Amjad Shah, a respected figure in Muslim League N Wah Cantt, has emerged as a leading advocate for judicial reform and a staunch critic of the conduct exhibited by the superior judiciary, especially CJP Umra Ata Bandial. The rally, which attracted an overwhelming number of participants, aimed to bring attention to the grievances shared by the public and highlight the urgent need for accountability and transparency within the judiciary.

Speaking at the rally, Syed Amjad Shah emphasized the significance of an independent and impartial judiciary in upholding the principles of justice and safeguarding the rights of the people. He expressed concern over recent developments and stressed the importance of restoring public trust in the judicial system through fair and unbiased proceedings.

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