Maryam mocks Imran for seeking US support

LAHORE, May 29: Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s political scion Maryam Nawaz has said May 9, 2023 and May 28, 1998 are two dates that show the difference between the ideologies of two politicians.

“Every citizen feels proud of the day [May 28, 1998] when Pakistan became a nuclear power. But every Pakistani hangs his head in shame for what took place on May 9,” Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) senior vice president said on Sunday.

Maryam was addressing a rally in Lahore held in connection with the 25th anniversary of Pakistan’s nuclear tests. “On May 9, Pakistan saw scenes which we had only seen in Afghanistan earlier,” she added.

On May 9 violent protestors vandalised and set fire to dozens of state and military properties and memorials after paramilitary rangers arrested Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief and former prime minister Imran Khan from the premises of a court in Islamabad.

Maryam, who has been a vocal critic of the establishment in the past, thanked the military for defending the country’s nuclear programme.

She also expressed gratitude to other law enforcement agencies and the politicians, scientists and engineers who played crucial roles in Pakistan’s nuclear programme.

Maryam took a jibe at Imran Khan, saying: “If a coward was leading Pakistan on May 28 1998, he would have hidden with a bucket over his head”.

Calling the PTI chief “jackal”, she said he was begging the US for help during “tough times” after accusing it of toppling his government through conspiracy. “Brave nations are led by brave leaders,” she added.

Maryam, the scion of the Sharif family’s political dynasty, said the PTI chief while “sitting in a bunker in Zaman Park inciting his supporters to violence”.
However, the person she paid glowing tributes to was her own father, Nawaz Sharif, who, she claimed, rejected billions of dollars just to make the country invincible.

“Nawaz Sharif was on a foreign tour when India tested its nuclear weapons. He immediately telephoned the relevant officials and asked in how many days could Pakistan carry out nuclear tests.

“Nawaz was told that such tests could be conducted in 17 days. And after 17 days Pakistan did test its nuclear weapons,” she said.

Chagai-I was Pakistan’s first public test of nuclear weapons. Its timing was a direct response to India’s second nuclear test Pokhran-II, on May 11 and May 13, 1998.

According to Maryam, then US president Bill Clinton had then offered to give the country $5 billion just to stop it from conducting its nuclear test “But Nawaz refused.”

“He was threatened with sanctions but he refused to give in. The name which comes to mind when we talk about the defence of the country and its economic development is Nawaz Sharif. He has stamped marks of progress in every part of the country.”

She said only a brave leader could take such bold steps. “In hard times, real leaders like Nawaz Sharif face the challenges head on rather than hiding their faces.

Maryam claimed that her father will return to the country and the journey to progress will continue.

“People remember those who built the country, not those who set fire to it,” she added in a reference to May 9 riots that are blamed on the PTI.
Referring to a mass exodus from Imran’s party in the wake of a governmental crackdown, she said the PML-N faced the worst persecution but no one left Nawaz Sharif.

Calling Imran a traitor, she said the PTI chief now calls his supporters in the United States government to issue a statement and such statements create a stir here.

She said every Pakistani’s head bowed in shame on May 9.
“On that day memorials of martyrs were broken and their graves were vandalized. The cannons that had destroyed the enemy were thrown into the river.

“Now Imran asks why cases of terrorism are being registered against him. It is simple: If you engage in terrorism, you will be booked under the terrorism law.”

In a recorded message at the rally, Nawaz Sharif — who has been living in London since November 2019—congratulated the nation at the 25th anniversary of the nuclear blasts.

“We have no ill will against anyone, but we also do not allow anyone to threaten us.”
He said as the prime minister he wanted to take the country forward “but some people started pulling my legs”. “When I was the prime minister in 2017, the rates of dollar, flour, vegetables and daily commodities were much cheaper,” he said.
Enumerating his contributions to the country, he said what he has done for the country cannot be forgotten. “I wish that Pakistan may become a power also in terms of economy, industry, health and education.”

Nawaz claimed that the people who sowed hatred have been exposed. “The children of Pakistan will continue to hate May 9 and love May 28,” he added.

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