National Lobbying Delegation Hosts Landmark Meeting to Address Inheritance Laws for Minority Communities in Pakistan

Islamabad, Pakistan – A significant luncheon meeting was convened in Islamabad by Romana Bashir, a respected member of the National Lobbying Delegation (NLD), alongside esteemed members of Pakistan’s minority communities. The meeting saw the participation of prominent media figures, including Sadia Kamal, Vice President of PFUJ Workers, Jahangir Aslam, President of RIUJ Workers, and Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi, Secretary General of RIUJ Workers. The gathering aimed to shed light on the intricacies of the Inheritance/Succession Act of 1925 as it pertains to the Hindu and Christian communities within Pakistan.

During the meeting, Romana Bashir presented an Advocacy Brief titled, “Strengthening the Legal System for Inheritance and Succession Matters of Hindu and Christian Communities in Pakistan,” which highlights the challenges faced by these communities under the current legal framework. The Succession Act of 1925, while intended to provide a fair and equitable distribution of a deceased’s property among heirs, often falls short of protecting the rights of women and minorities due to cultural factors, lack of awareness, and prolonged legal processes.

Key recommendations proposed during the session include initiating an awareness campaign to educate the Christian community, clergy, and revenue officers about their legal rights and frameworks for inheritance distribution. Additionally, the meeting underscored the need for drafting a specialized law to regulate inheritance and succession matters for the Hindu community, ensuring it aligns with the constitutional and international obligations of Pakistan.

The discussion also spotlighted a case law precedent involving Mrs. Ratna Devi, wife of late, Justice (Retired) Rana Bhagwandas who sought a Succession Certificate and Letters of Administration for the properties left by her late husband, illustrating the legal nuances and the need for clarity in the inheritance laws applicable to the Hindu community.

The National Lobbying Delegation’s meeting marks a crucial step towards advocating for a more inclusive and equitable legal system that addresses the specific needs of the Hindu and Christian minorities in Pakistan. By proposing amendments and raising awareness, the NLD aims to foster a legal environment where every citizen, irrespective of their religion, can access justice and equitable treatment in matters of inheritance and succession.

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