Pakistan’s Federal Capital: A Lawless State? Islamabad Residents Living in Fear Amidst Lawlessness

By Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi

Islamabad: On 20 October 2022, Lohibhier Police Station Islamabad along with Punjab Police entered in a house of well-known businessman in the Bahria Town Islamabad Raja Sohail Arshad . without any search/arrest  warrants and Ladies Police, even without any FIR and detained him by sheer force. The police violated the sanctity of his home.

After viewing the video, it is clear that the police breached his home by breaking in without warrants, without permit and without female officers.

Kidnapping Part-1

The police subsequently detained him by force, and then he was handed over to Punjab Police without presenting him to the appropriate Court Justice or any senior police officer.

Kidnapping Part- 2

police also looted him took his gold ring a new Apple i Phone, new sunglasses and valuable.

Kidnapping Part -3

Raja Soahail Arshad said that he could not believe that the Islamabad police would act like robbers. “Before that incident, I saw the police force as a protector, but not now,” he said.
This is a disturbing story of corruption and abuse of power by the police force in Islamabad. It is newsworthy because it raises serious questions about the safety of citizens in the city.
Sohail was unlawfully handed over to Punjab police officers. However, the officers did not take him to the police station and demanded 2 million rupees of bribe to release him. Later on, they accepted 5 lac rupees. Raja Sohail Bribed His Way Out Of illegal Arrest
He was taken to an unknown location and forced to sign an “agreement” before being released. The agreement mentioned a FIR 141A/ 1, which does not exist in any police station. This is a clear case of kidnapping and false imprisonment by the police.
Raja Sohail (0301-5551413) has accused the Islamabad Police of taking a large amount of cash from his opponents who are residing in his native village of Jehlum. further says that the police have been unlawfully targeting him and that this bribe is just another example of their corruption.


The Punjab police have a history of corruption and this latest incident will only add to the public’s mistrust. The officers involved should be punished severely to send a message that bribery will not be tolerated.

This story is newsworthy because it sheds light on the alleged corruption of the Islamabad Police force. It also raises questions about the fairness of the Pakistani legal system.


IGP Islamabad has been approached but does not take enforcement action; if it occurs to the IG himself, he will experience the hassle due to I.G.P Islamabad is also suspected of corruption in Punjab, which is why he is on the witness stand for the prosecution.

The incident has caused outrage among the citizens of Pakistan and has raised questions about the law and order situation in the country. There have been calls for an investigation into the matter and for the responsible officers to be held accountable..


Employees of those federal and punjab police agencies who have been involved in that unlawful act have the names listed below.

1- Imran                                         Constable                                            PS  Lohibhier  Islamabad
2-Fiyaz                                           ASI                                                        PS satu Katla Lahore
3-Zaman                                      Constable                                              PS satu Katla Lahore
4-Qamar                                      Constable                                              PS satu Katla Lahore
5-MSM Security Pvt Ltd Behria Town
6-Tow unknown Police officers from Lohibhier Islamabad

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