فرعون PHARAON Begs to Return, Faces Strong Opposition from APP Management

ISLAMABAD: The Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) staff and management are united in their opposition to the alleged attempt by Pharaon to return to his position. According to reliable sources, Pharaon’s removal from office was met with widespread celebration among APP staff, with many even sharing sweets in relief. The consensus among employees is clear: they do not want him back in the APP Islamabad office.

Pharaon’s tenure at APP has been marred by serious allegations of corruption and misuse of authority. Sources reveal that Pharaon was involved in financial corruption, frequently taking cash from the finance department using fake invoices. This systematic embezzlement has led to significant financial losses for the organization. Additionally, Pharaon was reportedly using office vehicles illegally and frequently, and since his removal, he has been seen using his motorbike.

The Managing Director (MD) of APP has taken a firm stance against corruption, consistently advocating for integrity and accountability within the organization. Given Pharaon’s history, it is expected that the MD will strongly oppose any attempts for him to return to his position.

An upcoming exposé will provide detailed accounts of Pharaon’s corrupt activities, supported by concrete evidence. The Daily Information Times will publish his real name and picture, shedding further light on the extent of his misconduct.

The APP community stands united in its stand against corruption, emphasizing that there is no place for such practices within the organization. Efforts to maintain a clean and honest working environment will continue unabated, ensuring that those who have engaged in corrupt activities are held accountable.

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