Press Freedom Under Assault: PFUJ and RIUJ Workers Demand Justice for Saleh Mughal

ISLAMABAD: The Rawalpindi/Islamabad Union of Journalists (RIUJ) Workers strongly condemns the reprehensible incident involving Saleh Mughal, a senior reporter for Daily Express. During his journalistic duties, Mughal was forcibly detained, harassed, and beaten by NAB officials inside the offices of Bahria Town. This act is unacceptable and represents a blatant abuse of power by state institutions.

Saleh Mughal, an esteemed journalist known for his integrity and dedication to truthful reporting, was present at the Bahria Town offices to cover the NAB raid. Despite performing his professional duties, he was forcibly apprehended, taken to a secluded area, and subjected to physical violence. The NAB officials confiscated and destroyed his mobile phones and illegally detained him for hours, issuing threats of further harm should he continue his work.

The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) Workers and RIUJ Workers regard this incident as a direct attack on press freedom and an attempt to intimidate journalists into silence. Such actions undermine the fundamental principles of democracy and the role of the media in holding power to account.

An emergency conference (Ijlas) of the RIUJ Workers executive body was held at the RIUJ Workers office in F8, where this resolution was discussed and approved. President of RIUJ Workers, Jahangir Aslam, stated, “This incident is a stark reminder of the dangers journalists face while performing their duties. We stand by Saleh Mughal and all journalists who bravely report the truth. Such abuses of power must be stopped, and those responsible must be held accountable.”

Secretary General RIUJ Workers Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi added, “The actions of the NAB officials are not only an attack on Saleh Mughal but on press freedom itself. We demand an immediate investigation and strict action against those involved. The government must ensure the safety of journalists and protect their right to report freely.”

Vice President of PFUJ Workers, Sadia Kamal, also expressed her strong support for Saleh Mughal, stating, “This blatant abuse of power is a direct assault on the freedom of the press. Journalists must be able to perform their duties without fear of violence or intimidation. We demand justice for Saleh Mughal and call for immediate action against those responsible.”

We call upon Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi, and NAB Chairman to take immediate and decisive action. We demand a thorough and independent investigation into this incident and the officials involved to be held accountable for their actions. Additionally, we seek the replacement of Mughal’s destroyed phones and assurance that such incidents will not be tolerated in the future.

The PFUJ Workers and RIUJ Workers stand in solidarity with Saleh Mughal and all journalists who risk their safety to uphold the truth. We urge the government and relevant authorities to protect journalists’ rights and ensure a safe environment for them to perform their duties without fear of retribution.

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