SSP Operations Flight Lieutenant (Rtd) Hafiz Kamran Asghar Leads Open Court at Police Lines Headquarters

By Engr. Muhammad Sajid Wasri;

Islamabad, Nov 21: In a commendable effort to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community, SSP Operations Flight Lieutenant (Rtd) Hafiz Kamran Asghar  conducted an open court at the Police Lines Headquarters. The session aimed at providing a platform for citizens to voice their concerns and grievances directly to the authorities.

During the interactive session, SSP Operations Hafiz Kamran Asghar actively listened to the issues raised by the attendees, ensuring that every citizen’s voice was heard. Following this, he promptly issued directives to the relevant officers, instructing them to take necessary actions on the submitted complaints. Notably, the directives emphasized a commitment to addressing concerns within a specified time frame.

The open forum initiative reflects a proactive approach to community engagement, fostering transparency and accountability within the law enforcement system. By directly involving citizens in the dialogue, SSP Operations Flight Lieutenant (Rtd) Hafiz Kamran Asghar aims to strengthen the relationship between the police force and the community it serves.

This citizen-centric approach emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts in maintaining public safety and well-being. Hafiz Kamran Asghar’s leadership sets an example for fostering positive interactions between law enforcement agencies and the community they protect.

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