“Women Journalists Association and Freedom Network Rally for Gender Equality in Media”

ISLAMABAD: The Women Journalists Association of Pakistan (WJA)  in partnership with the Freedom Network, hosted a pivotal event at the National Press Club in Islamabad on March 6, 2024, aimed at spotlighting the significant gender disparities within Pakistani media organizations. The event, spearheaded by prominent journalists Myra Imran, Fauzia Rana, Sadia Mazhar, and Sadia Kamal, garnered notable attendance and support from various sectors, including the distinguished presence of President RIUJ Workers Jahangeer Aslam Baloch and Secretary General RIUJ Workers Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi.


During the event, senior journalist Fauzia Rana unveiled the findings and recommendations of a comprehensive gender audit conducted on fifteen major news media organizations in Islamabad. This audit assessed the representation of women, the existence of anti-harassment measures, and the working conditions and wages within these entities.


Key findings from the audit revealed:

  • Women journalists constitute only eleven percent of the total journalist workforce across the surveyed organizations.
  • A staggering 75% of these organizations do not include female journalists in top leadership roles.
  • Merely two out of fifteen organizations have established inquiry commissions for harassment, despite federal mandates.
  • A significant number of media outlets lack formal policies on maternity/paternity leave, employee behavior, and salary promotions.

The gender audit highlights a “gender blindness” within the industry, showing a lack of policies and practices addressing gender-specific issues. This underrepresentation and the absence of supportive measures expose women journalists to vulnerabilities, including workplace harassment and inequitable management decisions.

The event culminated in a series of actionable recommendations aimed at improving gender sensitivity and diversity within media organizations. These recommendations call for the periodic conduction of gender audits, the development of organizational gender strategies, the implementation of gender sensitization initiatives, and the promotion of transparency and fairness in policies and wages.

WJA and the Freedom Network urge media stakeholders, policymakers, and civil society to join forces in addressing the gender bias and gap within the journalism sector in Pakistan. It is only through collective effort and adherence to these recommendations that we can aspire to achieve true gender equality in media

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