Dr. Syed Mustafa Tanweer, CTO, Cracks Down on Illegal Number Plates and Tinted Windows

Islamabad, April 30: Under the supervision of Dr. Syed Mustafa Tanweer, Chief Traffic Officer of Islamabad, the Capital Police have launched a special crackdown against vehicles with illegal number plates and tinted windows. The initiative aims to promote road safety and ensure that traffic laws are being followed in the city.

As part of the crackdown, citizens are being advised to use official number plates issued by the Excise and Taxation Department on their vehicles. This will not only ensure compliance with the law but also help authorities to identify vehicles more easily. The campaign is already showing positive results, with many offenders being fined and penalized for non-compliance.

In addition to the crackdown, Dr. Syed Mustafa Tanweer has urged citizens to take responsibility for their actions on the road and to follow traffic rules for their own safety and the safety of others. With the cooperation of citizens and authorities, Islamabad can become a model city for road safety and traffic management.

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