“Sho Nadeem Zafar Dedicates to Making Police Jurisdictions Safer”

By Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi…

RAWALPINDI: The Rawat Police Station jurisdiction has recently seen a low crime rate due to the competent and experienced Station Head Officer. SHO Rawat Raja Nadeem Zafar has achieved this through his dedication, hard work, and commitment to maintaining a safe community.


The jurisdiction of the Rawat Police Station is spread over a vast area, but SHO Rawat Raja Nadeem Zafar is managing to keep crime rates low in spite of the challenge. He has implemented numerous measures such as regular patrols, increased visibility of police personnel on the streets, and responding promptly to reports of criminal activity which have all contributed to keeping the area safe.


He is well-known for tackling difficult cases that other officers have shied away from. His efforts earned him commendations from senior police officials.


People living in the community have expressed their appreciation for SHO Rawat’s efforts in creating a safe atmosphere for them. Residents are thankful for his dedication in tackling crime and making sure that everyone feels secure in their homes.


While talking to Daily Information Times SHO Rawat Raja Nadeem Zafar said he was purely working on the instructions of CPO Rawalpindi SYED SHEHZAD NADEEM BUKHARI, who has been instrumental in leading the fight against crime in the area. Under his guidance, SHO Rawat has set up an efficient team of officers who are dedicated to providing professional, courteous service to all citizens. With SHO Rawat at the helm, citizens can rest assured that their safety is in good hands.

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