SSP Operations Captain (Retd.) Muhammad Aamir Khan Niazi Holds Open Court at Police Lines Headquarters

ISLAMABAD, May 16 : In an effort to address public grievances directly, SSP Operations Captain (Retd.) Muhammad Aamir Khan Niazi conducted an open court session at the Police Lines Headquarters. During the open court, citizens were given the opportunity to voice their complaints and concerns.

The open court session aimed to provide a platform for citizens to share their issues, allowing relevant officers to take immediate action. Upon hearing the complaints, SSP Operations Muhammad Aamir Khan Niazi issued instructions to the concerned officers and directed them to handle the marked requests within the designated timeframe and report back on the legal actions taken.

This proactive approach by SSP Operations empowers citizens to raise their concerns and ensures that appropriate actions are taken in a timely manner. It strengthens the trust between the police and the public, fostering a sense of security and cooperation within the community.

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