SSP Traffic Syed Mustafa Tanweer: A Hardworking Officer Who Serves the Citizens of Islamabad

By Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi…

ISLAMABAD: March 11, 2023 – The citizens of Islamabad have found a true friend in SSP Traffic Syed Mustafa Tanweer. He is a hardworking and dedicated officer who always puts the needs of the citizens first.

During rush hours near Gulberg Green under construction bridge, Syed Mustafa Tanweer can be seen personally managing the traffic. His dedication and commitment to his work are truly remarkable. He believes that it is his duty to serve the citizens of Islamabad, and he takes that duty very seriously.

Despite his busy schedule, Syed Mustafa Tanweer never prefers to just sit in his office. He is often seen in the field, personally supervising traffic management operations and ensuring that the traffic runs smoothly. He is always looking for ways to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion in the city.

SSP Traffic Syed Mustafa Tanweer’s love for the citizens of Islamabad is evident in his actions. He is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the citizens are safe and comfortable while traveling. His work has not gone unnoticed, and he has earned the respect and admiration of the citizens of Islamabad.

His leadership and hard work have set an example for other officers to follow. He is a true asset to the traffic management department, and his dedication to his work is an inspiration to all who work with him.

The citizens of Islamabad are fortunate to have an officer like Syed Mustafa Tanweer who is committed to their safety and well-being. His dedication, hard work, and love for the citizens of Islamabad make him a true hero.

Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi (Chief Editor)

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