Tarnol and Bani Gala Police Stations Seize Drugs and Arrest Suspects in Raids

Islamabad, May 3 : The Islamabad Capital Police have launched a crackdown against drug dealers in the city. The Police have intensified their efforts to curb drug trafficking in the city. In two separate raids, the police have arrested six drug dealers and recovered a significant quantity of heroin and ice.

A team from the Tarnol police station, led by SHO, conducted a raid and apprehended three drug dealers. They recovered over 3000 grams of heroin and ice from their possession.




In another raid, the police team from Bani Gala station arrested three individuals and seized 1800 grams of charas and 250 grams of heroin. The suspects are believed to be part of a drug trafficking ring that has been active in the region.



The officials urged the public to cooperate with the police and report any suspicious activities related to drug trafficking. Drug abuse is a growing concern in Islamabad, and the police have been conducting regular raids to crack down on drug dealers.

The police are also raising awareness among the public about the dangers of drug abuse and the need to prevent it. The authorities have called on all citizens to play their part in making Islamabad a drug-free city.

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