Deputy Director Muhammad Afzal Khan Niazi Leads FIA CBC Peshawar in Successful Joint Operation against Money Laundering.

Muhammad Afzal Khan Niazi, D.D. FIA, (CBC) Peshawar

By Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi…

PESHAWAR: Demonstrating commendable leadership and dedication, Muhammad Afzal Khan Niazi, Deputy Director of the Federal Investigation Agency’s Commercial Banking Circle (CBC) Peshawar, alongside his team, carried out a successful joint operation with Peshawar Police to apprehend a suspect involved in illegal money laundering and currency exchange.

This operation is one among many in the series of brave and successful actions taken under Niazi’s leadership, further cementing his reputation for upholding law and order and combating financial crimes.



The suspect, identified as Mohibullah, was apprehended from the Chamkani area of Peshawar with an illegal possession of 40.5 million rupees. He was unable to provide a legal explanation for the seized currency and was found to be in possession of hawala receipts, suggesting his involvement in the illicit financial activity.

As part of the investigative process, Mohibullah’s mobile phone has been seized for forensic analysis, a procedure expected to yield more insights into the scope and network of this illegal operation.

Following the arrest, a case has been registered against Mohibullah under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, a step reflecting the rigorous application of law by the FIA under Niazi’s supervision.

While this operation marks a significant achievement in the fight against illegal currency exchange and money laundering, Deputy Director Niazi and his team remain dedicated to their mission. Further investigations are underway, underlining their unwavering commitment to maintain financial integrity and security in the region.

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