Afghan Youths Involved in Robbery and Snatching on Gun Point in Islamabad

By Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi…

Islamabad: Dangerous events of robbery and snatching on gun point have been taking place in Islamabad. Witnesses have reported that a group of Afghan youngsters have been involved in these activities, creating fear and insecurity among the residents of the area.

The police were called to the scene after reports came out about these robberies and snatching incidents, but by then the robbers had already fled away from the spot. Reports state that these robbers are targeting people travelling alone or those who carry a lot of money with them, making it even more dangerous for people.

While talking to Daily Information Times IslamabadSHO Adeel Shaukat Kohsar Police Station Islamabad, said that he recently issued a warning to local restaurants in the area, urging them to beef up security following reports of Afghan youngsters involved in robbery and snatching at gunpoint.

The SHO expressed concern over the recent activity of these gangs and warned restaurant owners that they may be vulnerable targets if they do not hire private guards. He said that these gangs have been operating mainly in the residential areas of Islamabad, however, there is a growing risk that they may target restaurants as well.

“We want to ensure safety for our citizens and business owners so it is important that all restaurants take precautionary measures and appoint private guards,” said Shaukat.

Adeel is an experienced professional who has worked extensively on the frontlines of law enforcement in Islamabad. He has successfully led numerous operations and investigations, resulting in successful prosecutions and convictions for major criminal cases. Having earned several commendations from his superiors, Adeel is well-known for his commitment to excellence, professionalism and dedication to duty.

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