ISLAMABAD: The Capital Development Authority (CDA) is a public sector organization in charge of the development and management of Islamabad, Pakistan’s capital city. Recent reports have revealed that employees of the CDA are making far more money than the CDA itself due to corrupt activities and profits.

It has recently been reported that employees of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) in Pakistan are earning much more money than what is allocated to CDA itself. This is due to corruption and unethical means, such as DD BCS Nisar Shah taking advantage of his position within CDA to personally profit from it.

The people of Islamabad have expressed their outrage over this news, calling for an immediate investigation by the government into the matter. As a public organization, CDA is responsible for providing infrastructure development services to the citizens of Islamabad and its surrounding areas, yet it appears that its own employees are siphoning away funds without any accountability or oversight.

The Authority has responded positively to these calls for an investigation and has issued a statement saying that it takes allegations of corruption very seriously.

The public can only hope that further investigations will put an end to these illegal activities and restore trust in the CDA as a governmental body.
It is likely that further reports will uncover more names associated with the scandals.

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