i will not allow anyone to manipulate the national interest of Pakistanis! said Noor Alam Khan

Chairman of Public Accounts Committee, Noor Alam Khan, is known for his patriotism and deep concern for the people of Pakistan

Noor Alam Khan has been a member of Pakistan’s National Assembly since 2002, and is currently the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee. He is known for his deep love and concern for his country and its people. In particular, he has been a strong advocate for improving Pakistan’s education system and providing more opportunities for its citizens.

Khan was born in Lahore, Pakistan, and received his early education there. He later received a law degree from the University of London. After returning to Pakistan, he worked as a lawyer and also served as a judge on the Lahore High Court. He has been married since 1985 and has four children.

Islamabad :Chairman of Pakistan’s Public Accounts Committee Noor Alam Khan has pledged to protect the country’s national interests, in light of recent developments that have caused widespread confusion and despair among the population.

The chairman, Noor Alam Khan, said that he would not allow anyone to manipulate the national interest of Pakistanis, in light of the recent car price hike which has left many people feeling hopeless. He went on to say that the committee would take whatever measures necessary to ensure that the country’s interests are protected.

This statement comes as a welcome relief to many Pakistanis who have been feeling increasingly helpless in the face of rising prices and economic instability. With the Public Accounts Committee taking a stand, there is hope that some stability can be restored to the country.

Automobile companies should manufacture their vehicles in Pakistan! 
chairman, Noor Alam Khan said Pakistan’s automobile industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, with many new companies entering the market. However, most of these companies are only assembling their vehicles in Pakistan, rather than manufacturing them.Now, the Pakistani government is considering a policy change that would allow the general public to import their own cars from any country. This would be a major boost for the Pakistani economy, as it would create more jobs and increase tax revenue.

chairman, Noor Alam Khan said, I know very well how automobile companies in Pakistan are preying on the public. They collect an advance amount from our people who are hoping to buy a vehicle, but then use that money for their own interests for many months instead of delivering the vehicle on time. This leaves the public hopeless and helpless.
Chairman of PAC to Call on Automobile CEOs in Next Meeting.
The chairman of the Public Accounts Committee has said that all CEOs of automobile companies in Pakistan should be present at the next meeting. He went on to say that he knows how to force them to come, and that representatives from the Federal Board of Revenue, National Accountability Bureau, and Customs should also be in attendance.This is newsworthy because the chairman of PAC is calling for a meeting with some of the most powerful people in Pakistan. This could potentially lead to some major changes in the automotive industry, and it will be interesting to see how the meeting unfolds.

The Public Accounts Committee is a Pakistani government body that is responsible for auditing government departments and organizations.


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