Senior Special Magistrate Dedicates Himself to Justice and CDA Integrity

By Syed Bilal Izzat Naqvi.

ISLAMABAD: Upholding the sanctity of the city’s landscape, Senior Special Magistrate Sardar Muhammad Asif has recently exemplified his commitment to justice.

Acting promptly on the directives of Chairman CDA, Noor-ul-Amin Mengal, an extensive operation was launched against encroachers illegally occupying CDA land. This culminated in a decisive court hearing where Sardar Muhammad Asif ruled against three individuals—Naik Muhammad, Muhammad Shehzad, and Zubair—who were found guilty of the charges.


The trio faced the brunt of the law, receiving sentences of rigorous imprisonment and heavy fines. Their subsequent transfer to Adiala Jail further reiterates the city’s zero-tolerance stance against such illicit activities.

What stands out, however, beyond this individual case, is the dedication of Senior Special Magistrate Sardar Muhammad Asif. Reports indicate that he maintains an unprecedented level of involvement in every aspect of his office’s operations. It is said that he makes a point to hear out all the accused personally, ensuring that no innocent individual faces undue punishment.

To manage this daunting task, Sardar Muhammad Asif commits to a relentless work schedule, effectively being available 24/7 without taking holidays. This level of dedication not only underscores his commitment to justice but also ensures that the intricate processes of his office run smoothly and efficiently.

Residents and officials alike have lauded the Senior Special Magistrate for his integrity and hands-on approach, positioning him as a beacon of hope for a transparent and efficient judicial system in Islamabad.

The recent actions undertaken by the CDA, combined with the tireless efforts of officials like Sardar Muhammad Asif, reaffirm the city’s commitment to preserving its land and ensuring that justice prevails.

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